PhD School in Psychology

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

General information

Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Identification number: 164
Head of the doctoral school: Ágnes Lukács
Administration coordinator: Mária Vida (Doctoral training: application, education administration), Viktória Adamis (Doctoral affairs: doctoral procedure, habilitation, naturalisation)
Classification by branch of science: humanities
Research field: psychology
Accreditation: HAC accreditation
Research area: cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, applied psychology.
Type of issued academic degree: PhD
Master program accepted as entrance requirement for the PhD program: Cognitive studies, Psychology, Cognitive science, Computational and cognitive neuroscience

The Doctoral School in Psychology of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) has been established in 2004, under the leadership of Csaba Pléh, with the aim of training researchers in the interdisciplinary field of cognitive science. Cognitive science builds on the theory, terminology and methodology of natural and social sciences and humanities to give a complex view of human cognition. As required by Hungarian Nomenclature, the Doctoral School is classified as belonging to psychology, but its educational and scientific programme covers the entire complexity of cognitive science.

Students interested in cognitive research topics are introduced to methods of experimental research (psychological background), to the analysis of cognitive systems (neuroscience background) and to the methodology of modelling cognition (computational, mathematical and statistical components), as well as to methods of conceptual analysis (philosophical and logical background). Since 2013, the profile of the Doctoral School also includes research topics in applied psychology.

Operating conditions of the Doctoral School are provided by the Department of Cognitive Studies in Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Department of Ergonomics and Psychology in Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. The Doctoral School works in close cooperation with other institutes, including the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology and with the Brain Imaging Centre in the Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network.

Although the scientific profile of the Doctoral School has been extended with topics in applied psychology since 2013, the main focus is still on interdisciplinary cognitive research topics. The Doctoral School does not have official subprograms, but for practical reasons we have the following research areas:
1. Cognitive psychology
2. Cognitive neuroscience
3. Applied psychology

For further information (in English) please visit the page of the doctoral school at

Research topics for applicants are available in English as well at