

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | before 2006




Pajkossy, P., Gesztesi, G., & Racsmány, M. (2023). How uncertain are you? Disentangling expected and unexpected uncertainty in pupil-linked brain arousal during reversal learning. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, Epub. download

Szollosi, A., Pajkossy, P., Bencze, D., Marián, M., & Racsmány, M. (2022). Litmus test of rich episodic representations: Context-induced false recognition. Cognition, 230, 105287. download




Gilbert, L. T., Delaney, P. F., & Racsmány, M. (2022). People sometimes remember to forget: Strategic retrieval from the list before last enables directed forgetting of the most recent information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Epub. download

Racsmány, M., Pajkossy, P., László, S., &Szollosi, Á. (2022). A Verbális Epizodikus Memória Teszt. Ideggyógyászati Szemle, megjelenés alatt.

Vass, Á., Becske, M., Szollosi, Á., Racsmány, M., & Polner, B. (2022). Positive schizotypy is associated with amplified mnemonic discrimination and attenuated generalization. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Epub. download

Bencze, D., Szollosi, A., Németh, K., & Racsmány, M. (2022). An event-related potential study of the testing effect: Electrophysiological evidence for context-dependent processes changing throughout repeated practice. Biological Psychology, 171, 108341. download

Szollosi, A., Pajkossy, P., Bencze, D., Marián, M., & Racsmány, M. (2022). Litmus test of rich episodic representations: Context-induced false recognition. PsyArXiv. download

Szollosi, A., Kéri, S., & Racsmány, M. (2022). The key to superior memory encoding under stress: The relationship between cortisol response and mnemonic discrimination. Learning and Memory, 29, 7-15. download




Pléh, C., & Racsmány, M. (2021). 30 years of Hungarian cognitive psychology (1990–2020). Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 76, 213-228. [Hungarian] download

Racsmány, M., &Szollosi, Á. (2021). Memory skill: The proceduralization of declarative memory through retrieval practice. In: Gervain J., Csibra G., & Kovács K. (Eds.), A life in cognition. Language, cognition, and mind, vol. 11 (pp. 351-367). Springer, Cham. download

Bencze, D., Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2021). Learning to distinguish: Shared perceptual features and discrimination practice tune behavioural pattern separation. Memory, 29, 605-621. download

Racsmány, M., Bencze, D., Pajkossy, P., Szollosi, A., & Marián, M. (2021). Irrelevant background context decreases mnemonic discrimination and increases false memory. Scientific Reports, 11, 6204. download




Pajkossy, P., Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2020). Pupil size changes signal hippocampus-related memory functions. Scientific Reports, 10, 16393. download

Racsmány, M., Szollosi, A., & Marián, M. (2020). Reversing the testing effect by feedback is a matter of performance criterion at practice. Memory and Cognition, 48, 1161-1170. download

Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2020). Enhanced mnemonic discrimination for emotional memories: The role of arousal in interference resolution. Memory and Cognition, 48, 1032-1045. download

Szollosi, A., Bencze, D., & Racsmány, M. (2020). Behavioural pattern separation is strongly associated with familiarity-based decisions. Memory, 28, 337-347. download




Pajkossy, P., & Racsmány, M. (2019). How the size of the to-be-learned material influences the encoding and later retrieval of associative memories: a pupillometric assessment. Plos One, 14(2): e0226684. download

Pajkossy, P., Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2019). Retrieval practice decreases processing load of recall: Evidence revealed by pupillometry. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 143, 88-95. download

Racsmány, M., Demeter, G., & Szollosi, A. (2019). Successful list-method directed forgetting without retroactive interference of post-instruction learning. Memory, 27, 224-230. download

Kemény, F., Demeter, G., Racsmány, M., Valálik, I., & Lukács, Á. (2019). Impaired sequential and partially compensated probabilistic skill learning in Parkinsons disease. Journal of Neuropsychology, 13 , 509-528. download




Marián, M., Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2018). Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex impairs long-term retention of reencountered memories. Cortex, 108, 80-91. download

Markója, A., Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2018). On the relationship between the rate of learning and retrieval-induced forgetting. Preprint. download

Pajkossy, P., Szollosi, A., Demeter, G., & Racsmány, M. (2018). Physiological measures of dopaminergic and noradrenergic activity during attentional set shifting and reversal. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:506. download

Racsmány, M., Szollosi, A., & Bencze, D. (2018). Retrieval practice makes procedure from remembering: An automatization account of the testing effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 157-166. download

Szollosi, A., Pajkossy, P., Demeter, G., Kéri, S., & Racsmány, M. (2018). Acute stress affects prospective memory functions via associative memory processes. Acta Psychologica, 182, 82-90. download




Szollosi, A., Keresztes, A., Novák, B., Szászi, B., Keri, S., & Racsmány, M. (2017). The testing effect is preserved in stressful final testing environment. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31, 615-622download

Pajkossy, P., Szollosi, A., Demeter, G., & Racsmány, M. (2017). Tonic noradrenergic activity modulates explorative behavior and attentional set shifting: Evidence from pupillometry and gaze pattern analysis. Psychophysiology, 54, 1839-1854. download

Szendi, I., Szabó, N., Domján, N., Kincses, T. Z., Palkó, A., Vécsei, L., & Racsmány, M. (2017). A new division of schizophrenia revealed expanded bilateral brain structural abnormalities of the association cortices. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8:157. download

Demeter, G., Valálik, I., Pajkossy, P., Szollosi, A., Lukács, Á., Kemény, F., & Racsmány, M. (2017). The effect of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on executive functions: Impaired verbal fluency and intact updating, planning and conflict resolution in Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience Letters, 647, 72-77. download

Blaskovich, B., Szollosi, A., Gombos, F., Racsmány, M., & Simor, P. (2017). The benefit of directed forgetting persists after a daytime nap: The role of spindles and REM sleep in the consolidation of relevant memories. Sleep, 40(3): zsw076. download





Pajkossy, P., Keresztes, A., & Racsmány, M. (2016). The interplay of trait worry and trait anxiety in determining episodic retrieval: the role of cognitive control. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 20, 1-17. download

Demeter, G., Szendi, I., Domjan, N., Juhasz, M., Greminger, N., Szollosi, A., & Racsmány, M. (2016). Preserved intention maintenance and impaired execution of prospective memory responses in schizophrenia: evidence from an event-based prospective memory study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:593. download

Demeter, G., Szendi, I., Juhasz, M., Kovacs, Z. A., Boncz, I., Keresztes, A., Pajkossy, P., & Racsmány, M. (2016). Hypnosis attenuates executive cost of prospective memory. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 64, 200-212. download




Racsmány, M., & Keresztes, A. (2015). Initial retrieval shields against retrieval-induced forgetting. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:657. download

Pajkossy, P., Simor, P., Szendi, I., & Racsmány, M. (2015). Hungarian validation of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ): Comparing latent models with one or two method factors using both paper-pencil and online versions of the PSWQ. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 31, 159-165. download

Szollosi, A., Keresztes, A., Conway, M. A., & Racsmány, M. (2015). A diary after dinner: How the time of event recording influences later accessibility of diary events. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 2119-2124. download

Szollosi, A., Pajkossy, P., & Racsmány, M. (2015). Depressive symptoms are associated with the phenomenal characteristics of imagined positive and negative future events. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 762-767. download

Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., & Demeter, G. (Eds.) Kenyszerbetegseg: Elmelet, kutatas, terapia. Oriold és Tarsai Kiado, Budapest, 2005. [HUNGARIAN, BOOK]

Demeter, G. (2015). A kenyszerbetegseg neuropszichologiaja. In. Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., & Demeter, G. (Eds.), Kenyszerbetegseg: Elmelet, kutatas, terapia. Oriold és Tarsai Kiado, Budapest, 131-154. [HUNGARIAN, BOOK CHAPTER]

Demeter, G. (2015). Diagnosztikai eszkozok. In. Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., & Demeter, G. (Eds.), Kenyszerbetegseg: Elmelet, kutatas, terapia. Oriold és Tarsai Kiado, Budapest, 155-168. [HUNGARIAN, BOOK CHAPTER]




Racsmany, M. (2014). A csodalatos teszt - avagy miert az emlekezeti elohivas a leghatekonyabb tanulasi mechanizmus? Mindennapi Pszichologia (review). [Hungarian] download

Keresztes, A., Kaiser, D., Kovacs, G., & Racsmány, M. (2014). Testing promotes long-term learning via stabilizing activation patterns in a large network of brain areas. Cerebral Cortex, 24, 3025-3035. download

Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., Rajkai, C., Demeter, G., Pajkossy, P., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2014). The probability of association between response inhibition and complusive symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Response to Abramovitch and Abramowitz. Psychiatry Research, 217, 255-256.

Demeter, G., Keresztes, A., Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., & Racsmány, M. (2014). Obsessed not to forget: Lack of retrieval-induced supression effect in obsessive compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research, 218, 153-160. download

Harsanyi, A., Rajkai, C., Harsanyi, K., Demeter, G., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2014). Two types of inhibition impairments in OCD: Obsessions, as a problem of thought suppression; compulsions, as behavioral-executive impairment. Psychiatry Research, 215, 651-658. download


2013 a


Demeter, G., Racsmány, M., Csigo, K., Harsanyi, A., Dome, L., & Nemeth, A. (2013). Intact short term memory and impaired executive functions in obsessive compulsive disorder. Clinical Neuroscience, 66, 35-41. download

Keresztes, A., & Racsmány, M. (2013). Interference resolution in retrieval-induced forgetting: Behavioral evidence for a nonmonotonic relationship between interference and forgetting. Memory and Cognition, 41, 511-518. download

Zakarias, L., Keresztes, A., Demeter, G., & Lukacs, A. (2013). A specific pattern of executive dysfunctions in transcortical motor aphasia. Aphasiology, 27, 1426-1439. download


2012 a


Racsmány, M., Conway, M. A., Keresztes, A., & Krajcsi, A. (2012). Inhibition and interference in the think/no-think task. Memory and Cognition, 40, 168-176. download

Racsmány, M., Keresztes, A., Pajkossy, P., & Demeter, G. (2012). Mirroring intentional forgetting in a shared-goal learning situation. PLoS ONE, 7(1), e29992. download

Simor, P., Pajkossy, P., Horvath, K., & Bodizs, R. (2012). Impaired executive functions in subjects with frequent nightmares as reflected by performance in different neuropsychological tasks. Brain and Cognition, 78, 274-283.


2011 a


Racsmány, M., Demeter, G., Csigo, K., Harsanyi, A., & Nemeth, A. (2011). An experimental study of prospective memory in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33, 85-91. download


2010 a


Palotas, A., Reis, H. J., Bogats, G., Babik, B., Racsmány, M., Engvau, L., Kecskemeti, E., Juhasz, A., Vieira, L. B., Teixeira, A. L., Mukhamedyarovi, M. A., Rizvanov, A. A., Yalvac, M. E., Guimaraes, M. M., Ferreira, C. N., Zefirov, A. L., Kiyasov, A. P., Wang, L., Janka, Z., & Kalman, J. (2010). Coronary artery bypass surgery provokes Alzheimer’s disease-like changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 21, 1153-1164.

Csigo, K., Dome, L., Harsanyi, A., Demeter, G., & Racsmány, M. (2010). Deep brain stimulation for treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder - a case report. Clinical Neuroscience, 63, 137-143. download

Csigo, K., Harsanyi, A., Demeter, G., Harkai, C., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2010). Long-term follow-up of patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder treated by anterior capsulotomy: A neuropsychological study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 126, 198-205. download

Racsmány, M., Conway, M. A., & Demeter, G. (2010). Consolidation of episodic memories during sleep: Long-term effects of retrieval practice. Psychological Science, 21, 80-85. download

Szendi, I., Racsmany, M., Cimmer, C., Csifcsak, G., Kovacs, Z. A., Szekeres, G., Galsi, G., Toth, F., Nagy, A., Garab, E. A., Boda, K., Gulyas, G., Kiss, J. G., Dombi, J., Pleh, C., & Janka, Z. (2010). Two subgroups of schizophrenia identified by systematic cognitive neuropsychiatric mapping. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 260, 257-266. download


2009 a


Krajcsi, A., Lukacs, A., Igacs, J., Racsmány, M., & Pleh, C. (2009). Numerical abilities in Williams syndrome: Dissociating the analogue magnitude system and verbal retrieval, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 31, 439-446. download

Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., Demeter, G., Rajkai, C., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2009). A Dimenzionalis Yale-Brown Obszessziv-Kompulziv Teszt (DY-BOCS) magyar forditasa, es a teszttel szerzett elso tapasztalataink. Psychiatria Hungarica, 24, 18-60. [HUNGARIAN]

Racsmány, M. (2009). Modern neuropszichologiai vizsgalomodszerek a klinikumban: Az emlekezet es a kontrollalt viselkedes zavarai es diagnosztikaja. Orvoskepzes, 84, 148-150. [HUNGARIAN]


2008 a


Kovacs, G., & Racsmány, M. (2008). Handling L2 input in phonological STM: The effect of non-L1 phonetic segments and non-L1 phonotactics on nonword repetition. Language Learning, 58, 597-624. download

Racsmány, M., Conway, M. A., Garab, E. A., & Nagymate, G. (2008). Memory awareness following episodic inhibition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 525-534. download

Racsmány, M., Conway, M. A., Garab, E. A., Cimmer, C., Janka, Z., Kurimay, T., Pleh, C., & Szendi, I. (2008). Disrupted memory inhibition in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 101, 218-224. download

Csigo, K., Harsanyi, A., Demeter, G., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2008). Terapiarezisztens kenyszerbetegek muteti kezelese. Psychiatria Hungarica, 23, 94-108. [HUNGARIAN]

Demeter, G., Csigo, K., Harsanyi, A., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2008). A vegrehajto funkciok serulese obszessziv-kompulziv zavarban. Psychiatria Hungarica, 23, 85-93. [HUNGARIAN] download

Demeter, G., & Racsmány, M. (2008). Kontrollalt emlekezeti elohivas es a frontalis lebeny serulese. Pedagoguskepzes, 1-2, 55-68. [HUNGARIAN]

Krajcsi, A., Igacs, J., Lukacs, A., Racsmány, M., & Pleh, C. (2008). Numerikus kepessegek Williams-szindromaban: Disszocialodo analog mennyisegi rendszer es verbalis elohivas. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle, 63, 103-115. [HUNGARIAN] download

Racsmány, M., Lukacs, A., & Pleh, C. (2008). Tampont es utvonal, teri emlekezet Williams-szindromaban. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle, 63, 87-102. [HUNGARIAN] download


2007 a


Lukacs, A., Pleh, C., & Racsmány, M. (2007). Spatial language in Williams syndrome: Evidence for a special interaction?. Journal of Child Language, 34, 311-343. download

Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K., Demeter, G., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2007). Dimenzionalitas es neurokognitiv elteresek OCD-ben. Psychiatria Hungarica, 22, 366-378. [HUNGARIAN]

Harsanyi, A., Csigo, K.,Demeter, G., Nemeth, A., & Racsmány, M. (2007). A kenyszerbetegseg uj megkozelitesi lehetosegei: A dopaminerg teoriak. Psychiatria Hungarica, 22, 248-258. [HUNGARIAN]


2006 a


Racsmány, M., & Conway, M. A. (2006). Episodic inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 32, 44-57. download

Szendi, I., Kiss, M., Racsmány, M., Boda, K., Cimmer, C., Voros, E., Kovacs, Z. A., Szekeres, G., Galsi, G., Pleh, C., Csernay, L., & Janka, Z. (2006). Correlations between clinical symptoms, working memory functions and structural brain abnormalities in men with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 147, 47-55. download

Kovacs, G., & Racsmány, M. (2006). Munkamemoria es idegennyelv-elsajatitas: Az idegen beszedhangok hatasa a verbalis rovid tavu emlekezetre. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle, 61, 399-431. [HUNGARIAN]

Demeter, G. (2006). Jelnyelv, munkamemoria es kergi aktivitas. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle, 61, 477-489. [HUNGARIAN]


- 2006 a


Lukacs, A., Pleh, C., & Racsmány, M. (2005). Nyelvi kepessegek Williams-szindromaban, Pszichologia, 4, 309-347. [HUNGARIAN]

Racsmány, M., Lukacs, A., Nemeth, D., & Pleh, C. (2005). A verbalis munkamemoria magyar nyelvu vizsgaloeljarasai. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle, 60, 479-505. [HUNGARIAN]

Lukacs, A., Pleh, C., Racsmány, M. (2004). Language in Hungarian children with Williams syndrome. In S. Bartke, & J. Siegmuller (Eds.), Williams syndrome across languages (pp. 188-220). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pleh, C., Lukacs A., & Racsmány, M. (2003). Morphological patterns in Hungarian children with Williams syndrome and the rule debates. Brain and Language, 86, 377-383. download

Pleh, C., Lukacs A., & Racsmány, M. (2002). Residual Normality and the issue of language profiles in Williams syndrome. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 766-767.

Racsmány, M., & Lukacs, A., & Pleh, C. (2002). Munkamemoria es nyelvelsajatitas Williams-szindromaban. Pszichologia, 3, 255-267. [HUNGARIAN]

Lukacs, A., Racsmány, M., & Pleh, C. (2001). Vocabulary and morphological patterns in Hungarian children with Williams syndrome: A preliminary report. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 48, 243-269. download

Racsmány, M., Lukacs, A., Pleh, C., & Kiraly, I. (2001). Some cognitive tools for word learning: The role of working memory and goal preference. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 1115-117. download

Racsmány, M. (2001). A munkamemoria mukodese es patologiaja. Magyar Tudomany, 46, 1193-1201. [HUNGARIAN]

Conway, M. A., Harries, K., Noyes, J., Racsmány, M., & Frankish, C. R. (2000). The disruption and dissolution of directed forgetting: Inhibitory control of memory. Memory and Language, 43, 409-430. download