Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics related to cognitive science. Our courses include, among others: neuropsyhology, intelligent systems, cognitive informatics in human vision, neurobiology, psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind
Carreer possibilities:
A research career in some field of cognitive sciecne, applied informatics ( e.g. human-computer interaction, computational linguistics), education (e.g. methodology of learning), pharmaceutical industry (e.g. drog development)
Admission requirements:
- A first degree in any discipline
- At least 30 credits in subjects related to mathematics-statistics-informatics, psychology-biology-linguistics, or philosophy-logic in any combination
- Good working knowledge of Hungarian and English (at least intermediate level certificate or equivalent)
Duration of programme: 4 semesters
What is Cognitive Science?
It is the interdisciplinary study of information processing: how we perceive, interpret and store information arriving from the surrounding world, and how this information determines our actions.
Related disciplines:
psychology, biology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, artificial intelligence
What you can learn in our programme:
- - The operation of basic cognitive processes (perception, language, learning, memory) and their functions in human behaviour
- - The neurological basis of cognitive processes
- - Research methods in neuroscience
- - Methodological issues in experimental psychology
- - Research skills and tools (statistics, programming, EEG, eye tracking)
- - The achievement of neuropsychology and their applications
- - Cognitive deficits in populations with acquired or developmental psychiatric and neurological disorders
- - The methods and achievements of computational linguistics, natural language processing and psycholinguistics
- - Philosophy of mind